Rudolf Erich Raspe: Gulliver revived, London 1786 (R3)

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BARON MUNNIKHOUSON, or MUNCHAUSEN, of Bodenweder, near Hameln on the Weser, belongs to the noble family of that name, which gave to the kingʼs German dominions the late prime minister, and several other public characters, equally bright and illustrious. He is a man of great original humour; and having found that prejudiced minds cannot be reasoned into common sense, and that bold assertors are very apt to bully their audience out of it; he never argues with either of them, but adroitly turns the conversation upon indifferent topics and then tells a story of his travels, campaigns, and adventures, in a manner peculiar to himself, and well calculated to awaken and put to shame the practice of lying, or, as it is politely called, drawing the long Bow.

As this method has been often attended with good success, we beg leave to lay some of his stories before the Public, and request those who fall into the company of notorious bouncers to exercise the same upon every proper occasion, i. e. where people seriously advance the most notorious falshoods under an appearance of truth, by which they injure themselves and deceive others.

R3, S. (I)-IV







THE rapid demand for the first edition of this little pamphlet is a proof that the Public have seen itʼs moral tendency in a proper light: perhaps it should have been called with more propriety


no vice is more contemptible than a habit of abusing the ears of our friends with falfhoods.

The Baron is himself a man of great honor, and takes delight in exposing those who are addicted to deceptions of every kind, which he does with great pleasantry by relating the stories in large companies now presented to the Public in this little collection, which is considerably enriched by his Naval or Sea Adventures, and also embellished with plates.

London April 20, 1786.

The Second impression was disposed of with such rapidity that a THIRD EDITION become necessary within three weeks of the appearance of the former.

The additions are se considerable, both with respect to the Narrative and and the Plates that it may fairly be considered as a new Work.

In the preface to Gulliverʼs Travels, which is a fine piece of irony, me find the following passage.

“There is an air of truth apparent through the whole of these travels; and indeed the author was so distinguished for the veracity that it became a sort of proverb among his neigbours when any one affirmed a thing it was as true as if Mr. Gulliver had spoke it.”

The Editor of these adventures humbly hopes, they will also be received with the same marks of respect, and the exclamation of THATʼS A MUNCHAUSEN given hereafter to every article of authentic intelligence.

May 18th, 1786.



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