Rudolf Erich Raspe: Gulliver revived, London 1786 (R3)
You have all heard no doubt of Pope Ganganelli, commonly called Clement XIV. he was remarkably fond of oysters; one Good-Friday, as he was passing through the city in state, to assist at high mass at St. Peterʼs church, he saw my motherʼs oysters (which were remarkably fine and fresh, as she informed me) he could not proceed without tasting them; there were about five thousand people in his train; he ordered them all to stop, and sent word to the church he could not attend mass till next day; then alighting from his horse (for the Pope always rides on horseback upon these occasions) he went into her stall, and ate every oyster she had there, and afterwards retired into the cellar, where she had a few more. This subterraneous apartment was my motherʼs kitchen, parlour, and bed-chamber. He liked his situation so much that he discharged all his attendants, and to make short of the story, His Holiness passed the whole night there! before they parted, he gave her absolution, not only for every sin she had, but all she might hereafter commit.
Now, gentlemen, I have my motherʼs word for it, (and her honour cannot be doubted, that I am the fruit of that amour.
R3, S. 113-118