Briefe an Susanne, Kommentar                                             Brieftext


226. Diane                                                          Reading, 27.7.1967

[im Original:] Dear Susanne,

I’m sorry I did not write immediately on receiving your letter but I have been waiting for some concrete news about a new place to stay. As yet, however, Mr. Sholl has not contacted me since we last spoke together on Sunday. Then, he assured me that he would speak to Mr. Bush sometime during this week – so I’m sure everything will be arranged by the time you come back. I’ll be seeing Mr. Sholl anyway on Sunday. If by any chance a home cannot be found for next week – ‘cause it’s at very short notice! you must, Susanne, stay with us to tide over the gap.

My heart bleeds for you, you poor thing – I detest travelling with other people in a mode of transport other than that of my choice. The trouble with us is that we prefer our own company, quite understandable as we have never been forced to associat with and accept the unwelcome company of brothers and sisters this perhaps, is the drawback in being an only child. Further, accustomed to a clean home and a certain degree of comfort and quality, dirt and cheepness are an insult to our eyes. I only hope that you have had some time in which to study in peace, and that the young men provide some distraction from the bedroom.

The weather has been glorious till to-day which is miserably overcast. Yesterday, I began drawing the house but the garage presents a great problem – oh, to be a genius! My room is undergoing a transformation – let’s hope you see a difference in it. The shower is great fun, but Mum obstinately refuses to give up her bath, proclaiming its virtues rather like an old statesman who is now in hot water!

Sheila and Russell’s card arrived this morning they seem to be having a smashing time. On Sat., Mum and I will meet Danie for an afternoon, it’s a pity you could not be here too. I’ve had no luck with a job – so I’ve given up – no perseverance, that’s my trouble! My Scottish friend Jenny will probably be down from the 12th Aug. when Dad will come home for a fortnight. So, Diane makes a bee-line for France as soon as possible! I’m not being ‘catty’, just sensible and practical.

What do you think about the Young People’s Charter – 18 seems too young – I think 20 is far more reasonable. I have no desire to be an adult, have you? My dilemma at the moment is to choose a Univ. course and then a University! The Univ. of Keele, which I fancied, only tutors students in 2 main subjects e.g. Fr/Eng : Fr/Law : Eng/Sociology : Eng/Psychology etc. and only for a B.A. HONOURS – oh me miserum!



P.S. Keep your pucker up, dearie.

Young People’s Charter] Im März 1967 fand eine internationale Tagung der „Vereinigung für Jugendhilfe (IVJH)“in Madrid statt, auf der über eine Konvention zum Schutze der Jugend beraten wurde. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde in verschiedenen europäischen Staaten auch die Frage der Volljährigkeit mit 18. Jahren diskutiert.

Univ. of Keele] 1949 gegründete Hochschule in Nord-Staffordshire, westlich von Stoke-on-trent, heute größte Campusuniversität Großbritanniens.

Bachelor of Arts] BA – der erste akademische Grad nach einer wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung, dann folgt der MA (Master of Arts). Diane bedauert es, dass man in Keele nur den BA-Grad, nicht aber den BSc. (Bachelor of Science) oder L.B. (Bachelor of Law) erwerben kann.